Pointing out the problem

In this space, you should write a 500 word statement about an issue that current exists at QC. This essay should be rooted in the issues and experiences you’ve all had as QC students. The goal of this page is to act as an introduction to the solution/addition/change for which your group is advocating. Your research question should be contained somewhere in this introduction prior to your thesis statement at the end of this section.

At the very end of this section, you should add a thesis along the lines of, “Given these issues at QC, our group proposes the (insert your project topic here) because it will improve campus life for students by…” These sentences end your introduction and begin to bridge to the next section of your website. This thesis should neatly summarize your argument for the reader and give them a sense of what the subsequent tabs may contain.

If you have sources that are meant to provide the reader with context about an ongoing issue at QC, this would also be a great place to insert such information.